Connect. Collaborate. Learn from brilliant business women AND implement what you learned immediately. This is the goal of every Mastermind Weekend
Mastermind Weekends are quarterly events currently being held in the Dallas/Fort Worth area hosted by Jennifer Salter, your Every Day Boss.
Connect with other creative entrepreneurs, bloggers and bosses while staying in a large and charming Airbnb home or local boutique hotel.
Details for July’s Weekend Event:
Still working on some finer details for the July 19-21 event, but tickets are NOW ON SALE!
BUT you should know that we’re likely going to be in a hotel this time (I’m like 99% sure, just finalizing details as to which hotel)
I am offering 2 types of tickets for this event:
- Partner with me to spread the word about the upcoming event and future Mastermind Weekends and get a regula ticket PLUS:
- Get a one on one 30 minute call with me before the event to talk about your business and goals.
- Have a one on one 30 minute strategy session with me at the Mastermind Weekend to dial in on your business goals and the plan to get them accomplished.
- Get two 30 minute accountability and follow up calls with me after the event. (4 weeks of one on one coaching is valued at $497
- Get access to my very first group coaching program launching in the Fall (valued at $297)
Ambassador tickets come with a WHOLE LOT of added value! There are only 5 ambassador tickets available!
Both Regular Tickets and Ambassador tickets are $197.
These weekends are designed to be a chance for you to learn form other women in business AND have the chance to immediately implement the strategies and ideas in your business. Collaborate over coffee, while working on a new project, creating new content or dreaming big and working on your business plan.
Here’s what Mastermind Weekend Alumni have to say…
This was exactly what I needed – to get some time away and be able to spend it with like-minded people.
Christina from
It was amazing to come together with other creative entrepreneurs. I gained a new perspective for things within my business thanks to this coworking weekend.
Erin from
I left my first coworking weekend with recharged batteries and a full action list and full heart. An inspiring, productive, and fun weekend with motivated like minded women!
Kathy from
My favorite part of the co-working weekend was being able to connect with like-minded women who have similar goals and ambitions to my own. We’re all driven, hard-working, and excited about our businesses and it’s so important to be able to connect and share ideas and experiences. I love that Jennifer is providing this opportunity for us and I can’t wait for the next one.
Christine from
A peek into the first 2019 Mastermind Weekend in Dallas, Texas.
Images courtesy of Erin from The Tannehill Homestead