You're heard the phrase "Best Life Living" or "Best Life Now" or "Living Your Best Life"... but what does that actually mean? Living your best life is different for everyone, because everyone's version of what their best life could be is different. At it's core "living your best life" boils down to creating and living the life you want, the life of your dreams. It means living up to your ... Read the Post
Passing the Test You’re Facing.
This article on Passing the Test you're facing, is a continuation on last weeks article, Obstacle or Test?! Which are you facing? If you’re looking at your obstacle as a test, an opportunity to either grow and learn new things or the proving ground to show you’re ready for the next level, you’ll need to keep somethings in mind! Lets talk about the 4 elemental tools you need for passing ... Read the Post
Obstacle or Test?! Which are you facing?
Are you facing an obstacle or test? Sometimes that thing we think is an obstacle, that giant awkward challenge that we’re facing and not quite sure how to resolve, isn’t actually an obstacle at all. It’s the universe checking on on your level of commitment to that thing you said you wanted to do. Your obstacle is actually a test. An important one. Passing or failing might not equal life or ... Read the Post
Big Scary Dreams
When was the last time you sat down and spent some time dedicated to thinking about your hopes and dreams for the future? Did those dreams scare you a little? Were they a little intimidating? Overwhelming? I hope they were! If your dreams don't scare you, fill you with awe and make you feel at least a little overwhelmed, then its time to go back to the drawing board! Here's the thing ... Read the Post
What is an “Every Day Boss”?
If you've stumbled across this site, you might be asking yourself just what the heck is an "Ever Day Boss"? Well let me give you the basics and then break it wayyyy down for you. An Every Day Boss is someone that takes charge of their life EVERY day and is the BOSS of their destiny. That's it. That is the essence and every core of an every day boss. ANYONE that wants, it can be an every ... Read the Post